We need to begin to use our faith to apprehend God’s Word. His Word says that the same spirit, the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is right here, right now. You can call upon Him and access Him and access that power in the here and now.
Ephesians 3:20—Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. And most people stop right there. Oh, He’s able. Oh my goodness, God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all I think or ask. He’s able, and He’s big enough to do anything. He’s exceeding abundantly able. And we stop there, but that’s not the end of the verse.
The end of the verse says how He does it. He does that according to the power that works where? In us. The power is the power of God, the Holy Spirit working in us. When we stop at the beginning of the verse before the comma, when we stop there, we’re putting the responsibility of what happens on God. We can’t do that because He’s put the responsibility on us.
You know, there is a prevalent message about the sovereignty of God that I believe has really hurt the body of Christ. People will say all the time that God is God and He can do what He wants and He’ll do it when He wants to.
When you say it like that, it’s not true. God is not going to violate His own word. He has said in multiple places, multiple times, that He has given us things to do, and He’s not going to do what He called us to do.
God is all powerful. Sovereign means all powerful, and He is, without a doubt, all powerful. But, He is not all controlling. God works in the believer, through the believer, with the believer. He set it up that way. He gave the earth and everything in it for us to steward. However, we have no authority to touch that outside of our relationship with Jesus Christ.
We are able to step over into that place of taking dominion when we walk with The One who has given it to us in the first place. When we are fully in agreement with and we’re fully walking with The One who has all power and has given it to us.
Are you ready to walk in the power that God has given to you?