The Measure of Faith
God has given every man a measure of faith. Do you hear that? And, to us as believers, He has given us the faith that He Himself…

Mountain Tops are for …
We work so hard to stay on the mountain peak and take in the beauty of that moment. We go to see our favorite speaker or musician and…

We are Called to Live Epically
With all of our access to most anything we desire just a click or swipe away via our favorite shopping website, it can become …

New Year! New Me! … or Something Like That.
You’ve probably heard some of the statistics regarding new years resolutions. Most are broken by the end of the first week…

Arise, Shine!
The prophet Isaiah, under the instruction of the Holy Spirit, penned these words about the coming of Christ. A casual …

Merry CHRIST Mass
Merry Christmas! Blessings upon blessings upon you and your household! Or should I say merry Christ Mass? Mass isn’t just a gathering in…

The Song of a Mockingbird
The mockingbird is well known for mimicking the songs of other birds. But are we all that different? We are considered a mockingbird if…

Flushed down the drain
Have you ever spend a day doing something that when completed, you sighed and lamented, “I’ll never get this day back.” Maybe you went to…

The Revelation of Who We Are
We are a work of the Master that is ongoing until we cross over from this life into our eternal glory. But oh, the power of that…

To Journey or Homestead
Tolkien wrote in The Hobbit, about how Bilbo Baggins left his comfortable home for an adventure that forever changed his life. C.S. Lewis wrote about…

Praying God’s Word
God is not obligated to our prayers as much as He is obligated to His word. When we pray His WORD, He is bound by His Word to move. The right heart and…

Misunderstood, Misquoted or Not Listened To?
Have you ever been misunderstood, misquoted or just not listened too? Maybe even mumbled under your breath something like “I’m not saying I’m right…

Don’t Be A Spectator!
If you choose to be a spectator in this life, you can. But shame on you, and the spectators will suffer the same consequences as the lost. Did you hear that? You need to hear that. The spectators will suffer the…

The Same Works
What did Jesus do? He healed the sick, cleansed the leper, raised the dead, He opened blind eyes, He opened deaf ears, and…

Who is Leading You?
Are you making your decisions based upon an unction that you have within from the Holy Spirit? He is the only one that will lead you into…
Fire Up Your
Fire Up Your Power Tools is designed to assist you in understanding how to use your gift of tongues to co-labor with the Holy Spirit. It will teach you how to work with your heavenly "Helper" to bring the Kingdom of God from heaven to earth.
If you want to see God's covenant promises tangibly manifest in your life, you will find this book to be an indispensable tool.
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