When God is speaking, you can certainly expect Him to come along behind what you’ve heard in your private time with Him, and with some confirmation that gives you peace.
God rules by peace. Everything that He does gives peace, and leads toward peace.
It elevates peace in your heart, so you can just rest. If you’ve ever thought you’ve heard from God and then you stay up all night tossing and turning, you didn’t hear. That’s just the bottom line. You didn’t. If you think you did and you can’t rest, you have not heard from Him.
Trying to push through on those kind of things will bring you into more sorrow than you’ll ever want. It’ll bring you into more trials and troubles. God is making life really simple for us if we will just agree with Him. He just wants to reach out and touch us in the places where we need Him most and fill those places up with Himself and give us joy and peace and harmony with one another and with Him.
That’s His plan, and that’s given unto us.