Have you ever spend a day doing something that when completed, you sighed and lamented, “I’ll never get this day back.”
Maybe you went to that new restaurant in town and left with regret and a much lighter wallet. Scripture commands us to redeem the time by walking wisely for the days are evil.
Therefore see that you walk carefully [living life with honor, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil], not as the unwise, but as wise [sensible, intelligent, discerning people]
Ephesians 5:15
But what does that look like?
Lets look at something we all deal with in the natural, rain. Rain is awesome and makes things grow, but it can also flood your home, wash away your garden and ruin your life. You must tell water where to go or it will enter your home and wash away all you want to protect. You have to command water where to go.
Just like your income, you have to command it where to go, otherwise it will be spent with no real fruit. Our lives need to be commanded where to go as well, or we will end up spending a whole day on social media with nothing to show for it.
James wrote, “I will show you my faith in my work, because faith without doing something is completely pointless”. Today is the day that the Lord has made for me to rejoice in, overcome and prosper and get something done!