With all of our access to most anything we desire just a click or swipe away via our favorite shopping website, it can become frustrating when we actually have to get up and do something.
We don’t feel like cooking today, so we order something to be brought to our front door. But deep within our soul, we hear a call to something EPIC AND WILD. Something that is beyond us and the comfortable life.
We sigh when we look at the glossy pictures in a home and garden magazine where everything is “perfect”. Something in us comes alive when we see a picture from a dome topped train car passing through snow covered mountains. But we have bills to pay and children to shuttle back and forth to school and events.
We sigh under our breath, “I’m to old for that” or “wouldn’t that be nice”. We reason away the thought and diminish the God sized dream to fit into a “possible” life of what we can “realistically” accomplish.
Not all of those fanciful thoughts we have are of God, we know that. But let us ask God to reveal again His heart for us as we jump into a new year.
Maybe you felt called to teach, preach or go on mission trips. Maybe there is a story that needs to be written, that only you can tell.
The hero of this epic tale has been hidden long enough. Maybe it’s time for us to live epically.