When Peter got a revelation of who Jesus was, he also received a revelation of who he was.

Peter, by inspiration from the Holy Spirit, declared that Jesus was the Messiah. Immediately, Jesus responded to Peter by inspiration of the Holy Spirit about who Peter was at his core. Jesus did not simply recite His initial calling to Peter about how he would now be a “fisher of men”, Jesus revealed to Peter the very nature of who he was.

A rock! An immovable force!

Now, did Peter resemble that in that moment? Silly question, I know. But all of us must come to the understanding that we are not yet what we should be. Though it is inside us, wrapped up in the fullness of Christ who dwells in us, we are a work of the Master that is (and should be) ongoing until we cross over from this life into our eternal glory.

But oh, the power of that revelation of who we are in Christ!

We are no longer beggars on the outside looking in. We are no longer the sick, trying to be healed or an outcast looking for a place to rest. We are the healed, that the devil is trying to afflict with sickness. We are Children of the most High, therefore, joint heirs with Christ with all the benefits of the Kingdom of God.

The revelation of Christ, will always bring about a new understanding of who we were created to be.