I learned a long time ago that grace is free, but maturity is not. Did you get that? Grace is free. Grace is free. Maturity is not.
If you’re going to grow in your relationship with God, you’re going to do it because you’ve made investments along the way. YOU NEED TO MAKE INVESTMENTS. One of the biggest investments you can make is to learn how to identify your spirit man and begin to hear from that place and listen from that place intentionally.
We are human, and we live in a very cluttered, noisy, and distracted world.
You don’t have to spend any time at all to be totally, completely confused. All you have to do is spend ten minutes in front of the television, and you’ll wonder if this world is going to live through another twelve minutes.
You have to separate yourself out into this place called In the Spirit.
The Bible clearly says that we are a three part being.
Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
Do you see that? Your whole spirit and your soul and your body. All of us are triune and man’s spirit can be trained up just the same way as our physical bodies and our souls can.
The investment you make in the things of the spirit you never, ever, ever lose.