In the beginning, God created man.
He created man in His own image. Meaning every part of God was put into this man. Everything, every part of Him, He created him as Him. And this man went through the garden and was given full authority, full dominion, full control, freedom, total freedom.
God created from the man a woman.
He called her the womb man. If you look at scripture, He still called her Adam. They were one. When he looked at Adam and Eve, He saw them as one. They were to work together in the garden, and were to nurture it.
Adam and Eve were to bring forth fruit. We all know the story. That went really well for a short season.
Then the enemy came in. The enemy came in with a lie, a lie that Eve bought. The lie was this, you are missing something. There’s something God is keeping from you. He is withholding the good stuff.
But if you will eat of the fruit of this tree, then you will be as He. The lie was; Eve was already like God. She was already a hundred percent like God. She had all the fullness of the Godhead. Everything was already in her and as she partook and her husband Adam partook with her of the forbidden tree. And, sin entered the earth.
From that moment to this God has been looking for a body, a family. that will go back to that place and do what He created the original man to do. Time went on. You know the story. The Old Testament is long and bloody and hard and very miserable.
Jesus arrives in the beginning of the New Testament.
We see His birth, and His life in the Gospels. We see His death. Additionally, we see His burial and His resurrection. In that frame of time, God began to put all the pieces in place for what He wanted from the beginning to resurrect again. In Christ, in Jesus, the Father deposited everything.
Everything heaven had. While He was still with the Father and the Holy Spirit in heaven, He already owned all that heaven had. But He was stripped of it. He actually gave it all up. The scripture says, He willingly came. He willingly laid down his deity. And He became just like you and me. Absolutely just like you and me.