God has already done all He’s going to do. So our responsibility as kingdom people in the Kingdom is to take authority over disease and sickness, and to speak death to that assignment against our bodies. God has already healed us, and we know this because we are kingdom minded, so we see that the kingdom is already complete. Our job is to take authority in the name of Jesus Christ. Whatever is going on in our body is under the curse. Jesus has redeemed us all from the curse. So we speak death to the assignment against our body in the name of Jesus. Every assignment that the enemy has planned against us is null and void, and shall not manifest.
We release the life of Christ and the fullness of our covenant and thank our Father that the healing virtue of Jesus is working in us. Thank you Father for a full manifestation of wholeness and life in Jesus’ name. Our responsibility is to receive. Our job is to agree and receive, we have to contribute with our deliverance. We work together as the body of Christ to bring each other into fullness.
A Kingdom Exchange.
We have the authority to speak death to the assignment, calling it by name. Release… from the power of the curse in the name of Jesus, because it’s a finished work. It’s difficult for us in this realm to look at things from a heavenly perspective.
We are heavenly minded people who live in the kingdom of God and have a kingdom mentality.