We need to be saying words of life. Our full-time job as believers is to be givers of life. You might be a doctor or a lawyer, you might be a mechanic, you might be a carpet cleaner, but that’s not who you genuinely are. You are a giver of life. Yes, you are one who is ordained, commissioned, appointed, and anointed by God to give life.
How do you do that with the words of your mouth? Let’s go to Proverbs 18:21. This is a scripture that people misquote all the time.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Almost every time you hear that scripture quoted, it’s quoted life and death are in the power of the tongue, but that’s not what the verse says.
It says, death and life, death. Death first. Why would death come first? Because there are a lot of things that death needs to come to in order for that seed to come up and to be filled with life. For example, let’s just say cancer. Oftentimes, when I am praying for people that are sick, I’m going to use cancer as a diagnosis.
It could be any diagnosis, it could be heart disease, it could be migraines, it could be anything. It doesn’t matter. I will pray in the name of Jesus Christ. I take that place in that authority and I will speak death to that thing. Jesus takes my words of life, but He’ll also take my words of death, as long as they are not spoken against another.
I can speak to the workings of evil all day long. Amen. I have that authority and so do you. So I would say in the name of Jesus, I speak death to this cancer. I command it in the name of Jesus to wither and die and be gone from this body.
And you can do that for yourself. So if you’re having some kind of problems in your physical body, the way to deal with that is to boldly and with believing in your heart that God is, and He wants to reward you, that you are going to take authority over that thing AND speak death to whatever that is.
This is the authority given to us as children of the Most High God… we need to remember who we are.