Following is a transcripted excerpt from Linda’s message entitled, “Being Spiritually Minded.”
Psalm 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
We do not have to live as mere men. In Christ we are no longer limited by our humanity. We are born-again saints of the Most High God and His supernatural power is available to us…all day, every day.
God lives in a totally different reality than we do, but He has made His reality available to us. The one major thing that keeps us from connecting with God’s reality is that we don’t think like He thinks. We are naturally minded, instead of spiritually minded.
God said that walking around the wall of the massive, fortified city of Jericho once a day for 6 days and on the 7th day walking around it 7 times then having the priests blow the trumpets and the people shouting really loud would cause the walls of that city to fall down flat, and they did (Joshua 6:1-27).
God told Jehoshaphat to go to the battlefield and have the singers go out ahead of the army and sing of the beauty of His holiness. They were to sing, Praise the Lord, for His mercy endureth forever.”God said the sound of that praise would defeat an undefeatable enemy, and it did (2 Chronicles 20:1-29).
God’s reality is so amazing and so opposite to the way the carnal mind thinks. When you look at these passages of scriptures (and many others) you will see that God truly does foolish things (which is the wisdom of God to the carnal mind) to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27).
If you have a serious problem in your life, pray and ask the God for His plan. If the answer seems absolutely ridiculous to your mind it’s probably God! His ways and thoughts are so far above ours (Isaiah 55:8-9)!!
We will never see the miraculous become the norm until we focus our hearts on believing God more than we believe our senses. That requires discipline. We must discipline our flesh…our natural mind and emotions…to bow it’s knee to the authority of Jesus in our lives.
Mark 6:52 tells us that the reason the disciples were so amazed and shocked to see Jesus come walking on the water is because they hadn’t focused their thoughts on, and had not considered the miracle of the loaves and fishes. They were carnally minded and their hearts were hardened to God’s provision for that situation.