by Nancy Guhr | Aug 25, 2024 | Bible study, Faith, Inspirations, Prayer, Spirit Within, Spirit-led, Spiritual Maturity
I must first see in my heart, and then speak out of my mouth. You need to do the exact same thing. All mankind has an image of himself, and what we see is what we become. If you see yourself defeated, lonely, broke, sorry, sick and sad, that’s exactly what you...
by Nancy Guhr | Aug 20, 2024 | Bible study, Inspirations, Prayer, Purpose, Spirit Within
As a man thinketh in his heart. Well, how do you think in your heart? You think in pictures. You think in pictures all the time anyway. If I say apple, you don’t, in your mind, see A P P L E. You don’t see that. You see an apple. If you have a preference...
by Nancy Guhr | Aug 10, 2024 | Bible study, Inspirations, Spirit Within, Spiritual Maturity
Every single one of us, once we’ve accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, have the ability to see as God sees. We have the ability to know what He knows. And by those two things, seeing and knowing as He sees and knows, we can make righteous decisions and we can...