O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will praise and give thanks to Your name; For You have done miraculous things, plans formed long, long ago, [fulfilled] with perfect faithfulness.
Isaiah 25:1
Looking back from where you have come is much different than trying to see the next few steps right in front of you. God has known everything about you and the situations you would have to walk through since time began. You may think yourself as insignificant, but I assure you that you are loved, you are unique and have a purpose, a calling that only you can fulfill. You are special to God. Look back for a moment and see with God’s eyes. See all that He has brought you through and how you have grown in Him.
There were times that you thought were coincidences, but they were actually well thought out and orchestrated plans that God had for you. They were needed to help you learn who you are and who God needs you to grow into. You may not see clearly the steps in front of you, but God has the rest of your life planned out according to His purposes. Nothing is accidental or by chance. Know that you overcome whatever is today and that your tomorrow is much more than you could ever think or dream. You are a much loved child of God, don’t ever forget that. So, praise God and give Him thanks today, for He has done miraculous things in your life and His plans that were formed long ago will be fulfilled with perfect faithfulness.