Are you making your decisions based upon an unction that you have within from the Holy Spirit? He is the only one that will lead you into truth 100 percent of the time. We become more carnal as we move forward because we’re stepping away more and more into this place where the world and the church is getting sort of murky.

In some places it’s harder to tell the church from the world. Some of the statistics in the church are just as horrible as they are in the world. This includes divorce rates and the number of people in the church that are becoming influenced by the LGBTQ and transgender and D I E, the diversity, inclusion, and equity stuff.

Isn’t that interesting? Diversion, inclusion, and equity. D I E. It spells DIE. Why don’t they get a clue? We need to get a clue, and be aware of the fact that we cannot bow our knee. We cannot bow our knee to these things that the world is force feeding us and think that we will be successful in what God has for us.

Being able to see as God sees is a tremendous necessity, so we don’t fall into the worlds’ trap.