The rich man [who is conceited and relies on his wealth instead of God] is wise in his own eyes, but the poor man who has understanding [because he relies on God] is able to see through him.

Proverbs 28:11

God allows us to go through situations and circumstances so that we can see Him more clearly, so that we can gain understanding and so that we can become aware. This last point of awareness is essential. God’s Word speaks about the rich man being wise in his own ways, but it goes beyond this. This is where awareness comes in.

When we realize that there is nothing that we can do in a given situation, we go to Christ. We hope and believe that He will step in. Why is this? Because sometimes we can’t think our way out of things… we don’t have the finances or anywhere else to go. This is where our faith grows. And, when we are delivered from “this” circumstance and find our self on the mountain peak looking back and forward, we need to remember these times where Christ held us tight and stepped with us every moment of the day.

It’s easy to fall into our daily routines and leave God out when we feel we can manage on our own. We cannot forget Christ when we are standing tall. We must remain in the same heart and not lose sight of where we came from.