But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you [setting you on a firm foundation] and will protect and guard you from the evil one.
2 Thessalonians 3:3
Many things get in the way of our day being productive. We must be spirit-minded and come to Jesus when we start getting distracted. Jesus can steer us in the right direction and get our footing back on solid ground. Don’t allow the enemy any room by allowing him in. At once we must turn our attention and focus back on Jesus, our firm foundation.
The enemy desires to get us off track, which in turn takes our focus off of what needs to be accomplished. We have a choice to make… and we have the ability to stop this in its tracks. Don’t give in to the snare and pull of others when we know what we need to do. Stay the course. Our work has meaning and needs to reach others, this is why the enemy tries to interfere.
But take heart, Jesus is with us and He is Faithful! He will strengthen us and He will protect us and guard us from the evil one. We must keep pressing forward and not give in.