But the high places [of pagan worship] were not removed from Israel. Nevertheless Asa’s heart was blameless all his days.
2 Chronicles 15:17
Are the high places removed from your life? Are there still some things that you are hanging onto? Maybe it’s a past hurt, a wrong someone did to you. Maybe it’s your pride getting in the way, thinking or expecting some recognition for something you have done. This verse doesn’t give you a right to hang onto those things. Jesus wants you to go deeper and give Him all of you.
Don’t hang onto anything, because Jesus has already paid the price for you, and He doesn’t want to share you with those other things. And, let’s not forget about a few other high places… like money, or your striving to get more, make more, sometimes at the expense of others or even God. Take time out to spend with Jesus and He will help you to stay grounded in who He has created you to be. He doesn’t want there to be any difference in your life and your relationship with Him, whether things are going smoothly or when there are bumps along the way.
We should, no matter what, have consistent daily time to focus on our relationship with Jesus and what He is teaching us in order to grow. By maintaining this consistency, we will always be prepared for whatever comes our way, and we’ll recognize Jesus in the midst of it all.