Spiritual Maturity Series Part 17

The Holy Spirit is already abiding within you. To move from where you are and into your next step of maturity in Christ your cry should be, “God, give me a revelation of what You have already given me.” Information without revelation produces imitation and ultimately stagnation. Revelation means to take the veil off. You need a revelation of what God has already deposited inside you, that is all He is looking for. God is looking to see Himself when He sees you. 

Over the last several days I have been sharing with you how to grow up in your relationship with God. Let’s review.

How will you know when you are no longer a mere man, but are now a manifested son of God? I’ve given you several points that will help you mark your own level of spirituality. Let’s go over them one last time. I encourage you to give yourself a grade on each one. Be honest. This is just between you and the Holy Ghost. 

You will know that you are spiritually mature when,

  1. You have reached a level of maturity in God that your salvation affects your body and soul in such a way that they both display visible signs of victory, prosperity and peace to every person you come in contact with. In other words, you visibly bear the appearance and benefits of being a joint heir with Jesus Christ. 
  2. You wear a mantle of Divine authority and everyone who comes in contact with you recognizes that there is something different and good about you. 
  3. You always deposit the life of Jesus everywhere you go. 
  4. You never take glory for yourself when the Holy Spirit uses you to touch the life of another.
  5. You know that your primary assignment in the earth is to be a giver of life. 
  6. You bring the Kingdom of God with you wherever you go. 
  7. You are so in tune with the Holy Spirit that you quickly respond to the slightest nudge from the Him.
  8. You live with the full assurance that Jesus Christ has already paid the price and won the battle and you aren’t fighting satan all day long.

Is there anyone else besides me that has work to do?