The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9
We live in a world of the here and now, and patience appears to be a thing of the past. Something must be terribly wrong if we don’t get a response in a preset time frame from within our own minds. Christ doesn’t work in the way we would like Him to. No matter how many times we beg and plead, even still, this won’t push Him to act or react outside of His Plan and will for us. Some things take time. What we don’t realize is that Christ may be waiting on some other piece of the puzzle to be in place. A place where they are ready to obey and listen.
Are we in that place? We may think that we’re ready for the next step, however, we may not be as prepared as we might think we are. When we come to the place where we feel we’re stuck, we need to know and understand that we are not. We need to go to Father and ask. He will reveal what we need to learn, and what we need to see. Maybe all He desires is for us to come a little closer, to go a little deeper. Deeper in understanding and trusting Him. Deeper, realizing that we need to trust in Him and not in ourselves. Far too often we think “I got this” and we take credit for things that Christ has done for us. Yes, He has given us talents and abilities, however, we need to recognize Christ’s Hand in everything that we touch.
Then, He can trust us with more…