Let each one give [thoughtfully and with purpose] just as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver [and delights in the one whose heart is in his gift].

2 Corinthians 9:7

Are you still holding tightly to what Jesus has given you? Maybe you don’t exactly feel that you are giving grudgingly, but are you thankful and happy when you give? Or, has it become something more like a checkbox that you mark off… it’s done? Jesus doesn’t need your money, but it’s you who needs to give for your own sake. Yes, it’s required and when you think about it, Jesus doesn’t ask much from us. Our tithe is just 10% of what He has already given and blessed us with.

Jesus wants us to be excited to give back to Him. He desires for us to give like when we find that perfect birthday or holiday gift for the one we love and we can’t wait for them to open it so we can see the expression on their face. It’s the joy we feel when we realize we did well with our choice. Remember, Jesus is the one who accepts and opens our gift. He is the one who is receiving it. So, when we hand it over, know that He sees our face and heart. He sees the depths of us, and he accepts your gift, but it’s different when we want him to accept something when He knows we didn’t really want to let go of it.

Realize this. When you give, know that it is Jesus who is receiving the gift. So, be cheerful and excited for how He will use your gift to fulfill His purposes.