And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].

Philippians 4:7

Jesus gives you His Peace… it’s yours, but you have to take it and accept it. His Peace is unlike anything else. When combined with Faith His Peace turns hope into belief and into knowing. A knowing that your prayer has been answered. A knowing that there is nothing more for us to do regarding our current circumstance because Jesus has already taken care of it.

Jesus’ Peace is a freedom from unhinged thoughts and emotions. And it lies within Him. We must take the time to sit quietly with Him for a little while. Choose to accept His gift. Will you quiet yourself and rest in Him? We are loved beyond what we can even imagine and Jesus is here offering a glimpse into His abounding love. It’s ours. His love, His heart, His peace and His rest.

Accept the gift that is before you. Allow Jesus’ presence to reassure you and embrace you. It’s yours.