“… that they all may be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us…”

John 17:21

Remember Jesus’ words when He said to come as little children? Why? Because they have an innocence about them. A simplicity and they have not been tainted by this world yet. They believe because of how trusting they are… blind faith. Just like when they leap off of the top step into your arms knowing that you, their parent, won’t let anything happen to them. They trust you will catch them.

This is also what Jesus desires for us. That childlike faith that believes and knows that He is faithful and trustworthy. We all desire this, but we must get out of our heads and stop trying to solve our issues on our own. So, don’t try to think… How? Christ’s solutions to problems don’t come in the natural. That’s why a good part of the battles begin and end in our heads. Some things we cannot think ourselves out of… Christ wants more of us. He wants our trust and blind faith so that He can lead us into the next.

Be still and be quiet so that you will be able to hear Him… and then listen. There is no reason why we shouldn’t be one in the Father and Son. So, slow down, and sit awhile with Christ.