Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is, put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord and not for men, knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your [greatest] reward. It is the Lord Christ whom you [actually] serve.
Colossians 3:23-24
Allowing yourself to get distracted causes a cascading affect. It hinders your progress and it causes you to not accomplish all of your assignments in a timely manner. This harms you, affecting your sense of worth, whether you want it to or not. It also affects those around you, whether you intended it or not. The satisfaction of a good days work, of a job well done, does much for your self-esteem and your self-confidence.
Remember that you are being watched. You may be unaware, but you are an example to others. You must show them who Jesus is. Can they see Him in you? Are you a reflection of Jesus? You can do this… you can be the person that Jesus sees in you, the person that He has created you to be. Step into that which Jesus has called you. Once you do, you will have a completely different outlook on where you have been. Your work will take on new meaning as you see it with Jesus’ eyes.
Seek God and you will find Him. He will encourage you. Be spirit-minded throughout your day, never leaving Jesus too far behind so that He can help you refocus in a moments notice. Work from your soul for Jesus and you will always feel appreciated and that you accomplish much. What you do is for Jesus, so don’t lose sight of this, and you will receive your inheritance, your greatest reward.