Do not be overcome and conquered by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:21

There are over 50,000 thoughts that a person has each day. It is critical which thoughts you choose to listen to and which ones you push aside. Some, when dwelt on long enough try to become something more. This is why God’s Word says to take every thought captive.

When our focus becomes too controlling and that thought doesn’t leave, call upon Jesus and speak His name out loud. Praying in tongues, and singing praise to Jesus is another way to drive out those thoughts. Doing these things leaves no room for the enemy and he will be pushed aside.

When the thoughts come once again, call upon Jesus sooner and allow the Holy Spirit to consume you. This too will help you to control your tongue so you don’t respond too quickly to someone before bringing your words to Jesus first. He is our strength in the midst of our weakness, but we must choose to come before Him. He is here in every situation and will help us to respond in the manner that is best.

So, do not be overcome and conquered by evil, but overcome evil with good. Come to Jesus …