… nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


I know you look at yourself and you see your faults, you see your failures and you see the things that God has asked you to do. But, you still have not done them. Nothing that we do or don’t do will change Christ’s love for us. Will He be disappointed in choices that we make? Yes. However, His love for us is so much deeper. He chose us. Christ chose us, knowing exactly who we are, knowing our faults and shortcomings. Yet, He still chooses us and has adopted us into His family.

Step into Christ’s embrace as He extends His loving arms out to you. We need to choose to go deeper and spend more quality time with Him so that we will have the confidence needed to step in the direction that Christ is taking us. Be mindful of Christ in the moments of your day, taking short spurts of time to reach to to Him. This will help you grow and be spirit-minded, opening your eyes to what He sees and what He wants to show you.

Don’t miss out on these tender moments with Christ. These are the times that will help you through situations that arise. Not only that, these moments will also give you Christ’s peace throughout your day. So, remember how much you are truly loved…