Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in.

Galatians 6:9

Jesus knows that sometimes it feels like we keep trying and trying, but we feel as though it doesn’t make any difference. Today, your child doesn’t want to bother with you. Don’t give in to the enemy’s tactics. Continue to step in faith. Text them, try and don’t get discouraged when you’re ignored. Step out again, and again. Give time in between for reflection.

Do you realize that Jesus goes through the same thing with His children? He has given everything and yet some ignore Him. Others only come to Him when they want or need something—then He is good enough. Remember, love does not stop. Love continues pushing through, it continues to show itself when given an opportunity AND, it never fails. So continue to pursue those relationships and pray for them daily. Push in, doing good and utilizing the gifts and abilities that Jesus has given you. This will give you the perspective you need in order to glorify and extend God’s Kingdom.

Giving of yourself to kingdom pursuits will help keep your mind focused on Jesus, and not how you want things to be. Without the proper focus, your mind can bring you down to a place that Jesus doesn’t want you to go. Others need you too, so stay positive and encouraged knowing that Jesus is here with you and at the proper time you will reap… DON’T GIVE UP!