Spiritual Maturity Series Part 2

If you are truly saved, and yet life is a battle for you, you have not matured in your spiritual walk. Maturity in Christ brings you to the place where you live your life as an overcomer. You have the full assurance that Jesus has already won the battle and you don’t need to be engaged in warfare every hour of every day. The spiritually mature learn to agree with God and enter into the finished work of Calvary.

Satan is a defeated foe and you never have to fight him in your own power. The battle is over. Your only job is to enforce the victory Jesus has already won, however, an immature and unrenewed mind cannot perceive this. Your carnal mind will constantly force you to frantically do anything possible to fix your own messes and do so within your own strength. The spiritually mature know how to rest in the victory that Jesus has already won.