“Do you believe [with a deep, abiding trust] that I am able to do this?”

Matthew 9:28b

Jesus’s heart goes out to you. He sees your struggle and he sees everything written across your face. He knows that you believe and He hears you loud and clear. Jesus hears your cry to help your unbelief. He is here, asking that you take hold of Him and not let go. Things in the natural appear differently, and much closer, like those rear view/side view mirrors state, much closer that they really are.

Jesus understands. He knows that time is not stopping for you to catch up, but taking time to worry instead of seeking Him is time completely wasted. Jesus’s time is always perfect and so are His plans. Be sure to stay in tune with Him for every step that you intend to take. This world and your choices have natural consequences. Learn from them and work on putting into place those things that are necessary so that the same circumstances don’t find you again.

Hear this… Take the time necessary to make sure that you know Jesus’s will and desire for each important step you intend to take. Don’t step out too soon and get ahead of Him. Seek Jesus and wait upon Him. Believe and know that He is able to take care of this for you, and that He is ALWAYS right on time.