At the height of David’s career God made him an amazing promise: “… the Lord himself will establish a house for you … I will raise up your offspring to succeed you … Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever” (II Samuel 7:11,12,16). 

This promise is very specific. Not only will the Deliverer come from the line of David, He will also rule over David’s kingdom and will reign upon David’s throne. More than that, David’s “house” and “kingdom” and “throne” will last forever.

This promise would go far beyond the human rulers who followed David-Solomon, Asa, Hezekiah, Josiah, to name only a few. Although these men were righteous before God, because they were human, they could never reign from David’s throne forever.

God’s plan to deliver the world from the tyranny of satan had been spoken.  A redeemer was coming. He was on His way and all of hell trembled.