Spiritual Maturity Series Part 21
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
John 14:12
Jesus is speaking to us, His Body, through this verse. For the most part, the church of Jesus Christ, myself included, is not doing greater works than Jesus. To the contrary, we can justifiably be charged guilty of abdicating our God-given positions and responsibilities. We repeat again and again the sin Adam committed in the Garden by just giving away things that rightfully belong to us.
The majority of the Church is so far below God’s standards that we are actually abnormal in the things of the Spirit. That’s the bad news, but there is good news. We have a heavenly helper in the Holy Ghost and He will take us as far into being Christ-like as we will allow Him. Today I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to help you mature and yield to His leading to become everything you are called to be.
We need to raise our standards and believe for everything the Word says we can. Our complacency is wrong and though God doesn’t condemn us for it, He is bound by it.