They said to Moses, “You speak to us and we will listen, but do not let God speak to us or we will die.”

Exodus 20:19

Christ is love and He desires an even closer relationship with us. When we are close to Him we understand that there is no need for fear. We understand that His perfect love casts away all fear. We have been given a great privilege to be considered Christ’s child, and as such there comes a knowledge and a confidence.

Those who don’t know Christ, don’t understand Him, and they cannot see Our Father’s heart for His children. Christ doesn’t want a mediator. He wants a direct relationship; He wants us to talk with Him like we do with everyone else. This means speaking and leaving room for Christ to answer and speak in return. This is what communication is all about.

Christ desires more for us, but we have to believe in ourselves as well. We cannot think that we are not worthy especially when we have been carefully chosen. We are God’s son’s and daughter’s… we must listen quietly throughout our day so that we can hear Christ speaking. Remember, sometimes Christ is just a quiet whisper and if we allow the noise of the world to get too loud we won’t be able to hear Him.