Serve the Lord with gladness and delight; come before His presence with joyful singing.

Psalm 100:2

Christ loves to see His Children happy. He delights in our praises. He knows how tough it can be to put everything aside and stand before His throne in worship, however, this is where everything can change. When we praise God in the storms of life He can see our faith and understanding growing. It makes Him reach our to us right where we are because we’ve stepped out in trust and belief. This is where things change.

We may start out as just going through the motions, Christ understands this. But, He knows what true worship looks like and He knows when our heart and understanding are completely in and aligning to His Will. We must keep moving forward. Our efforts are not in vain, Christ sees every step we take and He knows the walk we walk. He understands us and our heart for Him. Therefore, we must also always remember how much we are loved.