All of you can probably relate on some level to this. I just recently was chastised or rebuked, or spanked or however you want to call it, taken out to the back of the barn… The Lord will do that. It tells us very clearly in scripture that He chases those He loves just like every good parent.

If your children are going in the wrong direction, you are chasing them to get their attention. You want to get them back on the path they need to be on so they are kept from getting into harm. Well, God does the exact same thing, and actually, if you go long periods of time without a rebuke from the Lord, you need to check your walk.

He’s not necessarily screaming, yelling, and beating. I mean, that’s not the kind of correction He does. He corrects us with love. He corrects us gently, but He corrects us in such a way that you know you’ve been corrected. Then it is up to us to decide what we’re going to do with that.

Just like everything else that we have received from God, we can either take it or drop it and walk away. I just received a correction. I’m sure some of you have as well. It’s what we choose to do about it that will make all the difference.