What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us?
Romans 8:31
Why do we hesitate to move forward with what God has given us? The fire burned bright in the beginning as we saw His Hand in it, but now we’ve let the fire cool and there’s just some embers left. We need to get the bellows out and fan the flame!
Some of what God has directed requires us to step out of our comfort zone. This is where faith is. It’s stepping out into an unknown, unfamiliar place so that God can show up. He is much bigger than we can imagine and He never intended for us to do this alone. However, we cannot stand idle and expect the mountains to move.
We, in our own doing, are holding ourselves back from all that God has before us. We alone are the cause of missing a greater blessing than we could ever imagine. We need to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk. There is much more at stake than what we can physically see with our own tainted eyes. God has blessings for others in store, but we are holding them back because we haven’t moved forward. God is faithful, but if we aren’t going to step out and into what He has asked of us, He’s going to use someone else, and we will miss the blessing He had in mind for us.
Do not fear or second guess the calling that God has given. Don’t hold back any longer. God is for us . . . we need to be who He has created us to be.