“So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Matthew 6:34

God’s eyes are upon us. He sees us and knows our heart. Keep pressing in and trusting Him, knowing that He is faithful to His Word… His Promises. Disappointments come, that doesn’t mean they should consume us, we must instead keep our eyes on Jesus, fully expecting His best for us. Don’t look ahead wondering how we’re going to get through, focus instead on today, believing and trusting in Christ.

Faith should not come and go in us. Faith stays… it stays the course and presses in. Faith believes and trusts, and faith knows it will come to pass. No matter what we see with our natural eyes does not matter. There is much going on in the Spirit working in God’s perfect order for our benefit. God is not idle… He is working His perfect and best plan for us, because we are much loved.

So, do not worry or be concerned about these situations… Christ is changing them for us and His Glory.