Do not withhold good from those whom it is due [its rightful recipients], when it is in your power to do it.
Proverbs 3:27
All that you are and everything thing that you have been blessed with are from God. Your talents and abilities are purposeful in who Christ created you to be. You may feel walked over and taken advantage of, and that you’re just another commodity, but remember who Christ says you are. Even though you may not feel appreciated, remember that you are not meant to gain your trophies on this earth. Nothing that you do goes unnoticed, so do the good that is in your ability to do and Christ will reward you greatly and bless you more than you can imagine.
Show my love to those who don’t know Me and give of your talents and abilities to further God’s Kingdom. Show the world who He is. You are more than you think of yourself and your abilities go beyond what you think you know. There is more… there is more to who you are and there is more to your perception of God. Don’t limit yourself to what you can think and imagine… that’s putting God inside of your box. Go deeper and unlock more, there is much work yet to be done and Christ needs willing and able workers who will follow Him and step out beyond themselves.