If you choose to be a spectator in this life, you can.
But shame on you, and the spectators will suffer the same consequences as the lost. Did you hear that? You need to hear that. The spectators will suffer the same consequences as the lost. Not eternally. You don’t lose your salvation because you decide to be stupid. You lose your salvation because you determine over and over and over again to reject and reject and reject and reject.
I’m sure none of you have done that. What happens is we lose our blessing covering and the mobility of the blessing to keep moving us forward. But the participators, those that will participate in the move of God, those that will do what God wants him to do and not just get up every morning and do the same thing today that you did yesterday and the day before and the day before that.
Those participators, they will move over into what the Bible calls the remnant. Have you read about the remnant? There is a remnant. There is a part of the body of Christ that is going to rise up and be absolutely glorious in the last day, full of the power of God and the might of God and the glory of God.
This remnant is not rising up for themselves, because it’s not about us. We’re here to make Jesus famous. We’re here to lift Him up. When we lift Jesus up, when we magnify Him, He knows what to do. He’ll take over. We don’t even have to be concerned at that point. Our point is to just do our part. How many times have I told you, ask the Lord, what’s my part, Lord? What’s my part?