You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and with all your soul and with all your strength [your entire being].
Deuteronomy 6:5
Do you love Jesus? You say yes, but you don’t spend quality time with Him. Love is far more than words. Spending time with Jesus is more than reading a 5-minute devotional. It’s more than reiterating your list of wishes, wants and needs. Jesus doesn’t force you to do anything. He wants you to spend time with Him because you want to, because you look forward to it. It’s not out of an obligation so that you can check Him off of your todo list for the day.
The love Jesus desires is everything, it becomes who you are every moment of the day. It is so in tune with Him that you are one and it becomes second nature to step out in faith, in word and deed with others. Every moment becomes a prayer and a praise. Your day becomes a worship song to Jesus, and you eyes become as His seeing as He sees. This is what it means to Love Jesus with all your heart and mind and with all your soul and strength… with your entire being, putting Jesus first and foremost in your life.