You will keep in perfect and constant peace the one whose mind is steadfast [that is, committed and focused on You-in both inclination and character], because he trusts and takes refuge in You [with hope and confident expectation].
Isaiah 26:3
We must come to the realization that Christ is in control of every situation and circumstance. There is nothing that we can think up on our own that will take care of things better than Christ will. Too often we rely on our own intelligence to work through issues instead of trusting Christ with them. We must break through this barrier. If we don’t then we will not look to Christ when all is well. If we don’t seek Christ now, when things are running perfectly smoothly and we have the answers to prayer that we hoped for… when those times come, we will forget about Christ and not stay close.
Learn now to be who Christ has desired and created you to be so that you won’t depart from it. Create the habits now that will see you through your life. WANT and DESIRE more of Christ… And, He will be found by you. This is the trust and faith that Christ desires for each of us. When we get to this place we will understand, we will know that Christ has everything under control and He has been orchestrating the pieces into place. When you get here, everything looks different and because of your new mindset, you have Christ’s perfect peace and constant peace while you wait with confident expectation and hope.