“And I will compensate you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the creeping locust, the stripping locust, and the gnawing locust…”

Joel 2:25

We all sit now and again, thinking about how we wish things were. We wonder about some of the decisions we’ve made and how things would be if we chose to do differently. Christ sees us and He is always with us. Every experience that we have encountered and every choice that we have made has brought us to the place where we are right now.

Our choices have not always been what Christ would have wanted for us, but they have shaped and molded us into who we are. The enemy is real and wants us to take our eyes off of what we know to be our purpose and God’s plan for us. This enemy will not stop and he has already come at us from multiple fronts trying to get us to take our eyes off of God. We cannot allow him one inch.

The enemy has taken much from us and causes us to not have God’s desire for us, His best. We need to keep standing firm and see this enemy for who he is. He is a liar, so we cannot doubt ourselves and what Christ has told us. He is a thief and has taken much from us, however God’s promises are true, and Christ will compensate us. We need to stay the course and keep believing, allowing our faith and trust to grow. We need to keep being the one who is usable for God’s purposes.