How many times do you find yourself on a tangent, just really going headstrong for something with God, and then you get down the road a little bit and you get disgusted or weary? Or you get a little confused, you might get a little bit of persecution or push-back or whatever it is that comes along that just wants to stop you in your tracks. And you stop.

Why would we do that? Because we’re not pressing through with the basics. If you are going to be a professional football player, you’re going to use the exact same football as everybody else. You don’t get to bring a soccer ball. You don’t get to bring a croquet ball, you have to bring a football to play football, and you have to do the exact same thing in the household of faith.

You know, the basics are really key for us, and we’re going to look at basic number one of living in the household of faith.

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5:7

Very simple. We walk by faith, not by sight. That is basic 1 0 1.

Do you see the word we? That’s family talk. That’s we, that’s us. We, the household of faith. We walk by faith and not by sight. That means we don’t walk by what we see or feel or think or hear. Also, we don’t walk according to opportunity. We don’t walk according to money, nor do we walk according to the lust of our flesh.

We walk by faith. That’s how we live. That’s what we put forward in everything we do, and we do that consistently by practice. So, we need to walk by faith and not by sight.