Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Isaiah 6:8

Are you being mindful of Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you? Are you taking the time to be quiet and listen? Far too often we are caught up in “our own issues” instead of giving them over to Christ. We don’t give Him time to speak to us because we’re caught up in this busy world, when, actually time with Christ is EXACTLY where we need to be.

We act, do and worry all before we ever approach the cross. Then we come up with ideas and plans without ever consulting Christ. He is trying to take us further and deeper, but we have to allow Him, and we have to be willing. Don’t let your “I want to be used by God” just be idle words spoken with good intentions. Let them be your truth that you are willing to stand by. Let the words you speak be strength and conviction, let them be the fire that burns inside you and never fades away. And, let them be Christ’s Words backed by an army stronger than any enemy you may face.

Let your words call upon God’s Word that He has promised, and that He will act on for you. Let them burn and bring you to a new place that hears Christ clearly when He speaks, “Who will go?” and answers wholly and completely with reckless abandon and complete faith… “Here I Am. Send Me!”