Our, loss of peace and our inability to live peacefully is a lack of agreement with what God has already given.
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Amos 3:3
That means the turmoil and the hell and the devastation that can come into our lives cannot walk with us unless we agree it. It just can’t. So if things are going wrong, there’s a place where you’ve agreed somewhere, somehow. Whether you did it knowingly or unknowing. Somewhere you’ve agreed with that mess and the way to get out of that mess is to break agreement with it.
That’s the way to get out. Open your mouth and say In the name of Jesus, I break agreement with you. I break every agreement I’ve ever made with you. I say, NO in the name of Jesus, I will not walk with you. I refuse to walk with you and you cannot walk with me.
You need to say this out of your mouth because the power of God is in your tongue. You need to open your mouth and say, I refuse to walk in agreement with you.