I Find No Fault: The Liberating Power of Forgiveness w/BONUS


I Find No Fault: The Liberating Power of Forgiveness
This book reveals one woman’s answers to those questions and tells the story of an agonizing decision to trust God and the remarkable outcome of simply agreeing with Him. On these pages you will learn: What true forgiveness is, an what it is not.

Order I Find No Fault TODAY and get your EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD of Linda’s message titled: Action Releases Power!

ACTION RELEASES POWER: It may be a harsh awakening, but nonetheless true, that faith that does nothing is worth nothing. If you truly believe in something, you’ll act on it. If you never act on what you believe, you’re not in faith at all, but rather are in presumption.

NOTE: mailed U.S. only (FREE shipping)

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I Find No Fault: The Liberating Power of Forgiveness
What would you do if you received the call no parent wants to receive; a call telling you that your child is dead? What would you do if the Lord asks you to do something totally unreasonable and impossible? This book reveals one woman’s answers to those questions and tells the story of an agonizing decision to trust God and the remarkable outcome of simply agreeing with Him. On these pages you will learn: What true forgiveness is, an what it is not. – How accountability for violating the Law can work together with a practical manifestation of God’s mercy. – How to transform your way of thinking and open your heart to the unlimited possibilities of true forgiveness.

Order I Find No Fault TODAY and get your EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD of Linda’s message titled: Action Releases Power!

ACTION RELEASES POWER: It may be a harsh awakening, but nonetheless true, that faith that does nothing is worth nothing. If you truly believe in something, you’ll act on it. If you never act on what you believe, you’re not in faith at all, but rather are in presumption.Order I Find No Fault TODAY and get your EXCLUSIVE FREE DOWNLOAD of Linda’s message titled: Action Releases Power!

ACTION RELEASES POWER: It may be a harsh awakening, but nonetheless true, that faith that does nothing is worth nothing. If you truly believe in something, you’ll act on it. If you never act on what you believe, you’re not in faith at all, but rather are in presumption.

NOTE: mailed U.S. only (FREE shipping)